Streamline Aquaponics specializes in design, development, and installation of aquaponic systems. Whether prefabricated or custom built, home-based, or commercial scale, we will work within your budget and carefully plan to meet your project objectives and end goals. We provide a comprehensive range of services, focusing on the development of aquaponic systems for private businesses, homeowners, schools, community organizations, and government agencies. Areas of work include, but are not limited to:
- Building projects for food production in commercial, home, and community applications
- Developing systems to be used as educational tools in the academic setting
- Creating ornamental systems for aesthetics or greening initiatives
We are built closely around customer needs and will work with you through every stage of a project, from the beginning to end. We consider this one of the primary keys to our success, which helps us deliver quality aquaponic systems with certainty and confidence. At Streamline Aquaponics we are passionate people who are highly committed, collaborative, and always striving to improve and deliver on the promises we make with any project.
Once an aquaponic system is established, we will develop practical management plans, conduct necessary training, and offer ongoing support. Our key deliverable will be a fully functioning system that our customers have the knowledge to operate and maintain. When implementing a project, we will ensure all aspects of the final product meet or exceed expectations and performance as agreed upon.
Project Planning
If you are in the planning stages of any aquaponic project, there are many factors to consider. Whether a small home system or a commercial scale operation, fish and plants require certain conditions to thrive in. Therefore, any system we develop will be carefully designed and consider the many facets of building an aquaponic system.
Our services will help guide any project, which start by building a solid foundation through a comprehensive project management process. During this process we take an in-depth look at your goals and needs, customizing and scaling your system specific to your project. The section below gives an overview of important factors to consider, and the requirements needed for any method of aquaponics, and how Streamline Aquaponics will help.
Executing any project happens in four stages. Whether establishing a home-based aquaponic system, or an entire commercial facility, this endeavour should consider each of the following stages:
- Stage 1: Your Vision
- Stage 2: Preliminary Report, Proposal, and Cost Estimate
- Stage 3: Completed Project Plan
- Stage 4: Project Implementation and Construction

Stage 1: Your Vision
To bring your project life, we will meet with you to identify your goals, needs and ideas for your aquaponic project. Things like crop choices, marketing avenues, location, infrastructure, and budget are discussed. Pertinent information is gathered to begin formulating the plan. In addition to offering recommendations on feasible aquaponic systems, topics such as power, water source, existing infrastructure, market demands, and labour will be addressed. This stage will provide a way for you to outline initial concepts and end goals of establishing an aquaponics system, where opportunities and challenges are identified. Streamline Aquaponics offers site visits as part of our services for customers who have engaged in project planning. This includes a personal visit to your proposed build site where we will gather important information and provide an evaluation of the infrastructure, utilities, and site assets in relation to an aquaponics installation. For customers that request a site visit, any information gathered will be provided in preliminary and final reports related to project planning. Associated costs of site visits are based on the location, length of time to be on site, length of travel time and cost of travel.ased on the location, length of time to be on site, length of travel time and cost of travel.

Stage 2: Preliminary Report, Proposal, AND cost estimate
During stage 2, we will provide a brief overview of your project. We will outline and review project feasibility and identify key elements that need to be addressed. We will provide a preliminary report based on information gathered in Stage 1. This will include a project overview, estimated costs or equipment, labour, construction etc., timelines, training, and support. This preliminary report will give you a clear understanding of all aspects of building, operating, and maintaining your aquaponic system. Additionally, whether you are self-funding, seeking funds from a bank or investor, or applying for grants, information in the preliminary report is an integral part of planning an aquaponics project and can be used to guide financing your project.

Stage 3: Completed Project Plan
This stage involves planning and design. We will provide detail regarding feasibility for establishing an aquaponics system (i.e. facility logistics, finances, staffing) and set forth an expected sequence of events to complete a project. The information provided is specific to the customer it was created for, with fees varying based on size and complexity. System operations will be outlined, and potential solutions will be developed to address common issues that may arise. Overall, this is a report customized for your aquaponic project that covers all aspects of system design, environmental control, crops, production levels, labour requirements, economics, food safety, permitting and regulatory laws, and more. This stage will engage those involved by refining the vision, assessing overall needs, and where project details are finalized and approved before system construction begins.
Depending on the scope of your project, deliverables in the final project plan may include the following:
- Introduction and Project Overview
- Project Snapshot
- Industry History and Overview
- Aquaponic System Design and Details
- Greenhouse Structure and Equipment
- Site Details and History
- Certifications, Licensing, Permitting and Regulatory Law
- Fish and Plant Production
- Biosecurity
- Plant Rotation and Harvesting
- Fish Harvesting and Transportation
- Community Benefits
- Agri-Tourism and Education
- Market Study and Competitor Analysis
- Marketing Considerations
- Staff and Labor Requirements
- Construction Requirements and Time Frame
- Costs and Economic Viability
- General Comments and Conclusions
- Interactive Spreadsheet
- Aquaponic System Floor Plan

Stage 4: Project Implementation and construction
System construction will be initiated and completed in this stage. Once you are ready to move forward with a project, Streamline Aquaponics offers services for all aspects of project implementation from construction to system activation. And as needed, we will provide instruction and guidance to appropriate professionals and contractors that may be needed during the process of breaking ground through to project completion. Once the construction phase is complete and any necessary checks have been conducted and systems are deemed ready to support growth of aquatic organisms and plants, system activation will begin. After system checks and the implementation stage is complete, any necessary training in the use of systems will be completed and use of aquaponics systems can commence. Regular operations and scheduled maintenance can start.
Project Deliverables
When helping establish an aquaponics system, Streamline Aquaponics will carefully plan to meet your objectives and deadlines. Our key deliverable will be a fully functioning aquaponics system that our customers will have the knowledge to run. When implementing your project, we will ensure all deliverables meet or exceed expectations and performance as agreed upon. This includes:
- Custom planning and design
- Construction
- System activation
- Training for staff that will be operating the system
- Ongoing technical support
Additional Areas of Expertise
The diverse and experienced team at Streamline Aquaponics provide services focusing on aquaponics that range from home-based to commercial scales, but also offer a broad spectrum of services related to other aquatic-based operating systems, aquaculture, aquariums, fisheries, education and outreach, research, and the environment. With a keen interest in the natural world and our environment, we incorporate our interests into several other services that include the following:
- Aquaculture and other aquatic-based operating systems
- Education and outreach related to aquaponics, aquaculture, fisheries, and the environmental/green sectors
- Professional plumbing services related to aquaponics, aquaculture, and irrigation systems for soil-based farming.
- Aquarium services, installations, and maintenance
- Aquatic housing systems for aquatic-based research animals
- Pond assessment, construction, and maintenance
- Planning, design, and installation of aquatic gardens or floating gardens
- Fisheries-based services and environmental assessments
- Environmentally minded/eco-friendly property maintenance and sustainable landscaping