Sasha has a diverse career in fisheries, with over 20 years experience as a fisheries technician, biologist, and instructor. Experience includes work with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, teaching at Sir Sandford Fleming College, consulting in the private sector, and operating a fish-based research facility at SickKids Hospital. Sasha is committed to lifelong learning and has received diplomas from Sir Sandford Fleming College in Aquaculture, and Fish and Wildlife, an Honours B.Sc. in Biology and Environmental Science from Trent University, and completed studies towards a Master’s of Environmental Studies. When not immersed in fish, Sasha can often be found in the bush, hanging out with family and friends, or on the soccer field playing, coaching or refereeing.

Mat has had many careers but his passion has always been for fisheries and aquatic life. As a licenced plumber Mat has the know-how to design and build efficient and reliable aquatic based systems, something that he studied during his time at Sir Sandford Fleming College. Attention to detail and precision guide all of Mat’s work. During his free time Mat is an avid cyclist and angler. He and his family live on a small hobby farm that has been in the family for seven generations. There, they enjoy caring for a flock of laying hens and all things gardening.